Roland's 1st Ka-Tet

Cuthbert Allgood

Cuthbert is Roland Deschain's childhood best friend, and a member of his original ka-tet. Roland and Cuthbert are described as having been playing together since they were toddlers. Cuthbert, often called Bert, is first featured in The Gunslinger, but he does not play a major role in the series until Wizard and Glass, the fourth volume in the series. Cuthbert is characterized by his outwardly flippant, care-free view of the world. He constantly makes jokes, often testing the nerves of his companions. He is notably skilled with a sling-shot, it is said that he could 'take a bird on the wing at 50 yards' with his slingshot. This is a skill that comes in handy on many occasions in Mejis, when the boys cannot openly carry their guns. Cuthbert is quick-witted and sometimes has a highfalutin way with words — His proclivity for words can be noticed as he often stops to repeat and muse over phrases he finds to be nice and 'round'. Physically, Cuthbert is described as being trim and short with shoulder length dark hair and dark eyes. During the battle of Jericho Hill, Cuthbert is shot through the eye by an arrow fired by Randall Flagg. In Song of Susannah, Eddie Dean is revealed to be a reincarnation, or at least a "twinner" of Cuthbert Allgood.

Alain Johns

Alain is one of Roland's original ka-tet, and along with the gunslinger and Cuthbert is evacuated to Mejis in Wizard and Glass for safety, due to the ongoing war against John Farson. Alain is strong in the 'touch', which is the mid-world term for a combination of telepathy, pre-cognition and hyper-sensitivity to the guiding hand of Ka).
Alain is described as being stout with blond hair. He is calm, reserved and often plays the role of level-headed mediator between ever pragmatic Roland and ostensibly care-free Cuthbert — particularly when Susan Delgado is seen to be interfering with Roland's decision making.
After Mejis, Alain joined Roland, Cuthbert and Jamie on their quest for the Dark Tower.
Shortly before the battle of Jericho Hill, the last stand by the gunslingers of Gilead against Farson's men, Alain was accidentally killed by Roland and Cuthbert, who mistook him for an assassin in the night.

Jamie De Curry

Jamie De Curry was a member of Roland Deschain's original ka-tet, He grew up and trained with Roland under Cort and Vanny in Gilead. He was the first to discover Roland's plan to attempt to finish his training (by fighting Cort, their veteran teacher) at the unprecedented age of 14. He is characterized by a birthmark on his face — Even being referred to by some in Gilead as "Jamie of the marked face". He was killed by a sniper at the Battle of Jericho Hill, while pushing Roland from the line of fire. It's stated by Roland that as a child he excelled in archery — the use of bow and 'bah'(crossbow) - far more so than Roland himself, although by the time of the Battle of Jericho Hill he is a Gunslinger, like the rest of Roland's ka-tet.

Thomas Whitman

Not much is known about Thomas Whitman. He is only briefly mentioned in The Gunslinger as one of Roland Deschain's childhood friends who studied under Cort. He is shown in several installements of the Gunslinger comics. He is shown to have a lean build with short, black hair. In the Battle of Jericho Hill, he and several other Gunslingers are killed by a flamethrower.

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