Eddie Dean

Eddie Dean

Eddie is introduced in The Drawing of the Three when the series protagonist, Roland Deschain, enters his head from a magical door on the beach of Mid-World.Eddie is a 23-year-old heroin addict from Co-Op City, Brooklyn (in the real world, Co-Op City is in the Bronx) in 1987.When Roland brings back his second companion, Odetta Holmes, Eddie immediately falls in love with her, and goes through the struggles of her split personality with Roland. He helps Odetta deal with her split personality, and she eventually becomes his wife, with the new name of Susannah DeanAt one point, Roland says Eddie looks and acts exactly like Cuthbert Allgood, a friend from his younger days. Although Roland is the clearly defined leader (or "Dinh") of the Ka-Tet, he mentions a few times Eddie is most likely to take up leadership should Roland be killed..Roland once stated that he is content with going into battle, because he knows should he fall, Eddie would lead the group onward to the Dark Tower.In battle, Eddie is usually the one who wields and uses Roland's spare revolver - the one Roland cannot use because of the missing digits on his right hand. Through Roland's teachings and his own talent (Roland mentions that all his companions are born Gunslingers) he reaches a level of skill that approaches Roland's.n the final novel, after Roland and his ka-tet have freed the Breakers from their prison and stopped, at least temporarily, the destruction of the universe – the nearly dead warden of the Breaker prison shoots Eddie in the head. To the horror of the ka-tet, Eddie collapses immediately; Roland kills the dying warden.Eddie spends the afternoon and evening lying – delirious, but comforted by Susannah – on his deathbed.Both Eddie's death and that of Cuthbert Algood were by mortal wounds to the eye, mirroring the two characters even in death.
In the aftermath of The Dark Tower, Susannah enters a door leading to New York and meets Eddie again; however, it is uncertain whether this is her Eddie Dean or just a parallel version of him. Although the new Eddie seems not to have remembered his time with Roland and the ka-tet, he claims to have dreamed about Susannah and to have been in love with her. This Eddie is also brother to Jake Chambers, and their last name is now "Toren", the Dutch word for "tower", and this version of Eddie Dean was also lacking the heroin addiction that plagued the Eddie Dean who had been a member of the ka-tet.

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